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Music, Beer and lots of talented people...

In my experience, networking events can be really tricky experiences to get right. On the one hand, I want to make the most of them and meet as many people as possible. On the other, I'm always conscious of appearing over-keen and so instinctively I tend to hold back and watch other people interact, before approaching people. The Notting Hill networking event at Tileyard, London on Thursday evening was an exception, in that there was a genuinely relaxed atmosphere, fueled by alcohol and live music perhaps, but you did feel like you could talk to people and as the night progressed, I did just that!

Huge crowds descend upon the Notting Hill Networking event

There were the usual, super confident individuals who have perfected their elevator pitch, managing to clearly and concisely describe what they do within 45 seconds. For others, it was more about soaking up the atmosphere and trying to connect with people who they could maybe collaborate or work with.

Arriving at the event with Rajiv

I spent the afternoon before the event in a songwriting session with super talented artist Rajiv , with whom I wrote his next single. We then met Charlotte Churchman, another talented singer that I have been working with recently and together we headed along to the event. There were lots of live acts performing with some really exciting sounding acts and I also noticed that the X Factor crew were there complete with audition tent - though I decided against venturing too close for fear of ending up in the queue to audition!

Building up the courage to go and meet people with Rajiv and Charlotte

I got to meet one of my co-writers Mark (Beauty music - pictured), friend and songwriter Craig Souter and I was introduced to many new artists, writers and producers. As much as these events are quite daunting, I felt that this was time well spent, even just to get to see what other people are working on as it's too easy to forget that there is a lot of great music happening, when you're so busy working on your own material.

Bumping into Mark (Beauty Music) and the super talented Katie Coleman Offical

I managed to grab lunch on Friday with songwriter Craig Souter and his producer friend Pete and even had a couple of afternoon meetings before flying home. Networking is a strange thing and it definitely feels slightly unnatural, but this trips reminds me just how important meeting people face to face still is!

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