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It's all about the song...

It dawned on me today that it's been over two months since my last blog post, which gives the impression that I've not been busy. The reality is that the last 10 weeks have been SO busy that I haven't time to really sit down and write about what's been happening. Granted, some of that time has been taken up with the usual mundane day-to-day tasks that are often more tiring than anything else, but I have been writing more than ever before.

I've been really lucky to have asked to write with some incredibly talented writers and I have spent a lot of the last two months writing and pitching K-Pop and J-Pop songs. I'm delighted to say that I have achieved a very exciting cut and I've got several more songs sitting on hold just now, so I'm trying to move forward and not think about that too much, just keep writing, pitching and repeating.

I did have the opportunity to break from songwriting, to attend the Musician's Union and BASCA event called It's All About The Song. I was invited to be part of their panel and to also be questioned on stage in front of an audience of songwriters in Glasgow and to say I was nervous is an understatement!

On stage at the MU/BASCA event in Glasgow

So to kick things off, I was joined on stage by BASCA's head of Marketing & Membership, Dan Moore who was tasked with asking me questions about songwriting. The thing about songwriting is that although there are rules, a lot of it is down to objectivity, so being asked questions about my methods, in front of a room of songwriters was no easy task! I talked a lot about building a team, networking, growing a thick skin and being able to move on from a song, once you've pitched it. I talked mostly about the process of writing for other artists, but we did chat about writing for your own project and how that can often free you of the writing restrictions and even open up opportunities to get songs placed in TV and film.

Q&A session on stage with Dan Moore, BASCA

After an equally enjoyable and intense 45 minutes, we were then joined on stage by more industry professionals who had worked with the likes of The Magic Numbers, Snow Patrol and various festivals around the UK and given the task of listening to songs written by the songwriters in the room. I have to say that the standard of writing was incredibly high throughout, the styles and genres completely varied and it was a massive reminder of just how much good music there is out there. I heard some incredible songs and stories from writers, some I'd never heard of before, others I'd seen at events or gigs.

Looking very intense, during the playback session

I know how nerve-wracking it is to play your songs to anyone, let alone fellow writers and industry professionals, so I have so much respect for everyone who had a song played at the event. I didn't even give the room a blast of what I'd been working on, so I let the side down in that respect! After the listening session, we had a one hour networking session and I got to chat more personally to some of the other writers, meeting some great writers and artists who are definitely on to something.

Group photo!

Thanks to Louise Stanners at the MU in Scotland for inviting me to participate in the event. It was an incredible day and I'm really glad I did it, despite the nerves! I'm back in the studio at the moment, not just writing for other artists but also for my own solo album and I've definitely picked up a few tips from the songs I heard at the event.

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